diggers cooperative

A worker owned company

With soil at the center of our mission, Diggers Cooperative makes the products and builds the Projects that will Revitalize our environment

Our Services

soil amendments & Products

  • Our high quality compost is one of the most bio-diverse products available. We diligently monitor our process to create a potent amendment for any soil.

  • We offer special blends for lawns, large containers, and raised bed gardens. Ask about customizing to your needs.

  • Compost extract is highly effective in promoting plant growth and protecting against pests and disease. Our Liquid Amendments are made to order for your specific needs.

  • Biochar can build soil structure, improve water retention, and inoculate soil with healthy microbes. We offer several options for whatever your soil needs.

What Makes Diggers Different

  • compost

    High quality compost is an art and a science. Our processes reform waste material into biologically diverse products that bring life back to soil. Our products have the power to revolutionize the way we grow plants and manage our landscapes.

  • consulting

    We see the big picture. Each project we work on is a piece in our larger goal to bring back native ecosystems for the good of people and planet. We bring knowledge, expertise, and a deeply held belief in the benefit of our work.

  • waste collection

    You can throw things in the trash, but there is no away. Diggers cares about where our wastes end up. We remove organic and recyclable material from the waste stream and find a use that doesn’t end up in a landfill.